Dr. Rank Blames His Fatal Illness on Which Family Member?


1. Self sacrifice must be rewarded. Write an essay to validate this claim basing your illustration on Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's Business firm .

In Henrik Ibsen'sA Doll'due south House, most women are portrayed as beingness selfless.  They give up their valuable time, comfort and possessions in club to help other people. This does non go unrewarded.  Anne, the nanny, halfheartedly leaves her own child in lodge to help Nora and her iii piffling children. By so doing she gets an income and a skillful place to alive.

Nora, a grapheme in A Doll'southward Business firm, is selfless. She borrows 250 pounds from Nils Krogstad in order to salve her ailing husband's life. When they get married, Torvald Helmer leaves his job because in that location is no prospect of promotion. He then works early and late to provide for his family. He overworks himself and falls dreadfully ill.  The doctors tell Nora that the simply thing to save his life is to live in the south. Nora makes a smashing sacrifice when she borrows a tremendous corporeality of money in order to facilitate the trip. A adult female is not allowed to borrow money without her husband'southward consent.  Since her husband would non allow her to borrow the money, she is forced to forge her father's name in club to go the coin. She takes this risk for the sake of love. Subsequently a year of staying in Italia, they come dorsum and Torvald is well and sound as a bell. Indeed, women sacrifice themselves for those they love.

Moreover, Nora as well sacrifices for the sake of her three little children when she leaves her home fearing that she may corrupt her children.  Due to the societal expectations, she is convinced that she is a corrupt person equally a effect of her lies and pretentious nature of her wedlock. Her wedlock to Torvald is full of deception. She lies about trivial things like eating macaroons to serious issues similar borrowing money from Krogstad and telling her husband that she got it from her father.  Torvald convinces her that such an atmosphere of lies infects and poisons the whole life of a abode. Fearing to bastardize her own children and poison her dwelling, Nora chooses to leave. Leaving her children is an unbelievable act of self sacrifice. She does it for their sake. Ultimately, she achieves independence from a suffocating male-dominated matrimony and gains liberty to try and sympathize her role in society.  What a big cede!

Mrs. Linde also plays a sacrificial function in the lives of her female parent and her siblings as seen in A Doll'south House.  She abandons Nils Krogstad the human being she loves, and marries a rich homo whom she does not love for the sake of her family. Her mother is bedridden and helpless and her brothers depend on her so she has no choice just to abandon her true simply penniless honey and ally a human being of means who she does non love.  She is glad that she makes the cease of her mother's life almost free from intendance.  She is likewise proud of what she does for her brothers for they are since independent. This is a big sacrifice on her side and a reflection of how women in the gild in A Doll's house are selfless.

Lastly, Anne is besides portrayed as a selfless woman. She sacrifices her happiness for the sake of Nora and her three little children when she leaves her child out amid strangers.  Nora wonders how she could abandon her own child. Anne says she was obliged to, if she wanted to be Nora's nurse since Nora had no mother. She is depicted as an affectionate woman. Nora Helmer says Anne was a good female parent to her when she was lilliputian. Every bit a result of her selflessness, Anne gets a salary and a adept place to live.

In decision, it'south true to say that near women are selfless and thus play sacrificial roles in the societies in which they alive. Their acts of sacrifice never go unrewarded as seen in A Doll'southward House.


2. Things are non ever as they seem. Write a composition based on A Doll'southward Firm to validate this assertion (20 Marks)

We live in a world of illusions where what you encounter is not always what you go. Truly, all that glitters is not gold. Nora'southward marriage to Torvald seems similar a perfect, happy marriage merely information technology turns out to be a suffocating prison house for Nora.

First, Nora seems like a silly, childish woman that is improvident, hardly self-reliant and only good for housekeeping.  Yet, her actions prove that she is wise, mature and strong willed. Her hubby refers to her as a trivial squirrel and a piddling spendthrift. Torvald overworks himself and falls dreadfully ill.  She borrows a loan of 250 pounds when her husband falls ill in social club to facilitate a year long holiday in Italy for him to get some rest as recommended by the doctors. She does needle work and crocheting to pay off the loan herself. She also saves the money she gets from her husband and then she'southward non a spendthrift after all.  This is great sacrifice. When her husband rebukes her for borrowing the money, she leaves him. This shows her strong will and independence. It turns out that she was never happy after all. Indeed, things are not ever as they seem.

Likewise, Torvald seems like a loving, strong, benevolent husband. After we realize that he is petty, selfish and cowardly.  He is a vain homo who only cares about his reputation and what others call up of him. The reason he gives for wanting to dismiss Krogstad is that he assumes an overly familiar tone with him when others are around. Even his wife finds this narrow-minded. He is too weak to deliver the promise to chance his life's blood and everything for Nora'due south sake. When he gets wind of Krogstad's impending blackmail, he calls Nora a criminal and a miserable creature and forbids her from raising the children. He is fearful of being exposed. All that glitters is not gold.

At showtime, Krogstad seems to be a bitter, vengeful extortionist simply we later realize that he is actually merciful and sympathetic. Nora borrows a loan of 250 pounds from him and forges her begetter's signature in the process. Torvald Helmer plans to dismiss Krogstad from his position at the bank after he is fabricated director. Krogstad is forced to blackmail Nora in guild to go on his job and make clean his reputation.  He writes a letter to Torvald with the details of his secret transactions with Nora. He does all this for his ii sons. When he gets reunited with Mrs. Linde his old flame, he sends Nora's bond dorsum, revealing his merciful side. Krogstad is an earnest lover. Things are non always as they seem.

Doctor Rank is introduced to united states as a very good friend to the Helmer'south. Nora says that he is Torvald'southward all-time friend. He visits them on a daily basis. Little did we know that he is secretly attracted to his all-time friend'south wife.  He even confesses this to her. His true motive for the daily visits is his honey for Nora.

Lastly, the Helmer's wedlock appears loving merely it is not. It is full of lies, pretence, play-acting and an diff relationship. At commencement Torvald seems like an affectionate caring husband calling her pet names and giving her money and Nora appears happy, flirting with him and playing with the children. Cracks appear when nosotros come to know of the deception. She lies well-nigh trivial things like eating macaroons to serious stuff like borrowing a loan without her husband'southward noesis. She says she got the money from her male parent. Torvald is also seen as a selfish homo who does not love Nora just just cares about public reputation. Nora acts childishly but hides her true nature from her husband. Eventually she is forced to leave Torvald.  She says that she was not happy at all. Surely, things are not ever every bit they seem.

In brief, appearance can be deceptive. It is truthful to say that things  are non always every bit they seem.


three. Selfish individuals who merely care virtually their own reputation cause pain to themselves and others. Write an essay based on A Doll'due south House to validate this statement. (20 Marks)

Some people only recollect about their ain advantage and opinions that other people have of them. Such selfish people ever bring misery to themselves as well as those effectually them. One such person is Torvald Helmer. He protects his reputation so much causing suffering to Nora his wife.

Torvald causes pain to Nora when he treats her like a kid and a play object instead of a wife and an equal partner. He calls her silly names like squirrel, skylark, and little spendthrift. He forbids her from eating macaroons because he wants her to wait cute for him. He but thinks most his public reputation even at the expense of his wife's happiness. He does non desire to keep Krogstad at his job, fifty-fifty subsequently his wife begs him to, because says people will think that he's influenced by a woman.  When he finds out nigh Krogstad's betrayal, he rebukes his wife even after promising to do anything for her sake. All this causes pain to Nora who says she was never happy. She leaves Torvald and her own children with a quest to rediscover herself.

Torvald also causes pain to Krogstad when he dismisses him from his job for trivial reasons. When Torvald is fabricated manager at the bank where Krogstad works he plans to fire him. Krogstad committed an indiscretion-forgery, and this has fabricated society to view him in sick repute. However, this is non the reason why Torvald wants to burn him. He wants to burn him because he assumes an overly familiar tone with him even when other people are around. When his wife asks him to keep Krogstad at his chore he refuses considering of what people will say. Krogstad was trying to win back as much respect equally he could for the sake of his children. When Torvald dismisses him, he is distraught.

Torvald causes pain to his children. He does not love his family. He only cares most other people'southward opinion of him. When Nora borrows a loan from Krogstad without his permission, he thoughtlessly admonishes her and even forbids her from raising her children. He calls her a criminal and a miserable creature. When she could not take it anymore, she decides to leave, leaving the children under the care of a maid, Anne. The children suffer the hurting of growing upwards without a mother.

Lastly, he causes hurting to himself as a issue of his ain selfishness. He suffers when his wife decides to leave him. Torvald is a conceited man who just thinks most himself. He dismisses Krogstad from his job for selfish reasons. He as well mistreats his ain married woman just to appear stiff before the world. He restricts her from doing what she wants and treats her similar a doll-an object to be played with. The marriage is hinged on deception and pretence. When he shows his true colours of a man who just cares near himself, Nora decides to leave. As a chauvinistic control freak, Torvald is shocked. What will social club think of him! Thus he brings suffering upon himself.

In decision, a selfish man who only cares nigh other people's opinions of him based on his action causes misery to himself and others.


iv. The society in A Doll'southward house is portrayed every bit a repressive influence on an private. Write a composition to validate this claim basing your answers on Henrik Ibsen's A Doll'southward House . (20 Marks)

The society in A Doll'due south Business firm is one that has conventional codes that have a controlling upshot on what individuals. People are prevented from expressing what they experience. One has to adjust to societal expectations or suffer the backlash. Such a suffocating temper creates misery.

Torvald only cares well-nigh what the social club finds acceptable and respectable. He is concerned about the appearance of his wife and his home more than than her happiness. He forbids her from eating macaroons because they will ruin her teeth. She tries to convince him to keep Krogstad at the banking company but he only thinks about what the bank employees will say-that he is easily swayed by his wife. He fires Krogstad non because of the indiscretion or beingness bad at his piece of work but because of being overly familiar with him when other people are around.  He forbids Nora from raising the children, but wants her to stay under his roof because he wants the marriage to appear perfect in the eyes of the earth. His life is controlled by society's influence.

Krogstad spends much of his life in disgrace because of guild's moral standards. He committed an indiscretion-forging a proper name. He tries to win dorsum respect by keeping his chore at the bank. He is even forced to blackmail Nora.  His blackmail works considering lodge cares most certain repressive moral values.

Nora plays the role prescribed for women in this society. She plays with her children, dresses fancily and dances for her husband. Her married man treats her like a doll. She is not allowed to borrow money without her husband'south consent. When her husband falls ill she is forced to secretly borrow two hundred and fifty pounds from Nils Krogstad.  She even forges a name in gild to get the loan. The society's moral values completely ignore an individual's personal identity. Nora behaves in a childish manner at starting time but she is plainly mature, wise and stiff-willed. She decides to leave Torvald and the children. He asks what the world will think of that. Indeed, the society has a repressive outcome on her life.

Anne's life is ruined because of one youthful fault-she gets pregnant out of wedlock. The lodge frowns down upon this. She is forced to leave her own child out among strangers and to work as a nanny to go a decent identify to live and a source of livelihood. The man who got her in the family unit way is not interested in taking upwardly the responsibility.

To sum up, the society in A Doll'south House is decision-making on an individual and this results in negative consequences for most of the individuals.


5. Both parents and children have an obligation to have care of each other. Write a limerick in support of this argument basing your statement on events in A Doll'southward Business firm . (xx Marks)

Parents are tasked with the obligation of raising their children in a morally upright nature; this is because children are impressionable and they ape what they see. On the other hand, children take an obligation to care for and protect their parents as well. Nora plays with her children. She as well does non tell her father about Helmer'south illness considering she does not want him to worry when he is ill himself.

Mrs. Linde is portrayed as a caring and affectionate daughter. She makes a sacrifice for her mother. When her mother was bedridden and helpless, she breaks off her human relationship with Nils Krogstad, a man she loved and marries a rich human being whom she does non love. She needed to provide for her ailing mother. Her selflessness pays off when she manages to make the end of her mother's life almost free from care. She is proud of herself for this.

Nora is as well a caring daughter. Although she feels similar her father, but similar her married man, mistreated her, she still loved and cared for him. When Torvald falls ill, she is forced to forge her begetter'southward name in order to incur a loan of two hundred and fifty pounds from Nils Krogstad. She reveals that the reason she did not simply inquire her father to sign the bond is that she did non want to bother her male parent since he was sick. Thus she plays her filial role of protecting her father from bellicose news in gild to spare him feet.

On the other hand, Nora'south father was tasked with the role of raising her daughter well but due to societal norms, that does non seem to be the case. She says that she has been greatly wronged by her father. He forced her to take the same opinions as him. He chosen her his doll-child and played with her like a doll and she grew upwards and made nothing of her life. All she does is perform tricks for her hubby. She reckons that her father committed a great sin against her.

Parents have a duty to alive responsibly or risk harming their children inadvertently. Dr. Rank is ailing and fifty-fifty eyeing imminent death. He inherited a mortiferous illness-consumption of the spine, from his father. His father is famous for his youthful amusements. His reckless lifestyle negatively affects his poor son. Rank sends a card with two black crosses to the Helmers hinting that he succumbs to the illness.

In conclusion, it is indeed truthful to say that both children and parents have an obligation to take care of each other.


six. Man relations based on lies are bound to fail. Write an essay based on A Doll's House to validate this statement.

We live in a world full of lies, pretence and falsehood. The lodge in A Doll's House is no different. The Helmers marriage is non a happy i as it seems and Dr. Rank's visits to the Helmers have more to it than meets the eye.

First, Nora lies to her married man Torvald concerning several things. She lies most eating macaroons and virtually Krogstad's visit. She acts childishly when she is not. She makes Torvald and Mrs. Linde believe that she is a shallow minded individual who is incapable of any serious transactions. She even borrows a hefty loan from Krogstad and lies that she got information technology from her father. Further, she forges her father's name in order to incur the loan. She is not allowed as a woman to borrow and her obstinate hubby would not accept help from a woman. When her husband finds out nigh this deception, her matrimony is wrecked since she chooses to go out her husband and children in pursuit of independence and personal fulfillment. The eight year union crumbles because of lies and pretense.

Also, when we meet Dr. Rank, we regard him every bit Torvald's best friend. He visits the Helmers on a daily basis. He seems like a close friend to Torvald Helmer. Nora tells Mrs. Linde that he is Torvald's best friend. Notwithstanding, there is an ulterior motive behind his daily visits. He reveals to Nora that he is secretly in love with her. Thus we encounter him as a pretentious human. He uses his shut ties with the family to visit Nora everyday all the same his motive is non clearly known. His revelation makes Nora uncomfortable. She asks the maid to bring the light. Dr. Rank's hidden intentions cause a slight strain between Nora and him.

Nora'south wedlock to Torvald is enough proof that things are non always as they seem. It seems like the Helmers enjoy a happy, enviable matrimony.  On the contrary the marriage is riddled with deception. On many occasions Nora lies to Torvald. She acts childishly and performs tricks for Torvald in society to please him even so behind his dorsum she is a wise, mature adult female. She understands fiscal transactions including borrowing and repayment. She makes works secretly in guild to repay the loan. Torvald is also deceptive. He says that he's willing to put his life on the line for Nora's sake. Instead, he admonishes her bitterly when he finds out about her surreptitious. Nora chooses to leave Torvald. Surely, this is a society total of deceptions.

Lastly, Torvald is also portrayed every bit a deceitful character. He pretends to exist a loving, generous husband. He gives his wife money and calls her pet names regularly like a caring human.  In real sense he is a conceited man who just cares nearly his reputation. He dismisses Krogstad from his task even after his wife begged him not to exercise so. He does not truly love his wife as we first thought. He treats her like a play object. When Nora realises this, she leaves Torvald and their viii twelvemonth marriage breaks. Surely, it'south a world total of deception.

In conclusion, it is true to say that the society in A Doll's Firm , as well equally the earth we alive in, is full of deception which causes disintegration of human being relations.

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eleven. Information technology is vital for individuals to brand decisions cautiously in life since decisions made hurriedly have far reaching consequences. Write an essay to illustrate this assertion from Henrik Ibsen's A Doll'due south Firm.

By and large poor choices have catastrophic outcomes. C haracters i n Henrik  Ibsen'south A Doll's house such as Torvald and Krogstad make some bad decisions that end up becoming a thorn in their flesh as my essay furthers.

 Torvald makes the decision to fire Krogstad from his chore at the bank and information technology ends up breaking his family unit. Krogstad was blackmailing Nora using the forged bond and had asked her to make Torvald retain him at his post at the bank. Nora tries to convince Krogstad not to send out the dismissal letter as she knows Krogstad writes in papers and he will write malicious manufactures about him. Torvald says that non just is Krogstad immoral simply he also does not like the familiar tone with which he takes with him while at work and it is for this that he wants him fired. Torvald refuses to exist convinced by Nora and says that social club volition judge him harshly if he were to exist manipulated past his married woman and he ends upward sending out the dismissal letter. Upon finding the letter, Krogstad comes back to the Helmer's household and drops the letter detailing the forgery that Nora committed. Torvald'south acrimony is unlike what Nora expected every bit he finds out that she committed an indiscretion behind his back. His reaction convinces Nora to leave him. Despite his pleas, Nora rejects his advances and insists on leaving the house. Torvald ends up suffering at the end as a effect of sending out Krogstad's dismissal.

 Krogstad committed an indiscretion in his life that ends upwards painting him equally a bad man in the club. While talking to Nora, he says that many years agone he was guilty of an indiscretion and he is glad that the matter never came to court but all his ways were closed later that. He says that his 1 false step that had lost him all his reputation was nothing worse than the one Nora did and he resorts to being a shylock. His action has spoilt his proper name in the town as even Dr. Rank says that Krogstad suffers from a diseased moral graphic symbol and Helmer says that he forged someone'southward name and calls him a guilty human. Krogstad loses the trust of the town folk and he says he must attempt and win dorsum equally much respect as he tin. He struggles to redeem his proper noun for the sake of his kids. He even tells Nora that for a yr and a half he has not been in whatsoever dishonorable dealings. Krogstad besides loses his job at the bank for his behavior and the task is given to Christine.

 Dr. Rank'southward father also chooses to live a carefree life that ends up hurting Dr. Rank. Nora confided to Christine that Rank suffers from consumption of the spine as his begetter was a horrible human who committed all sorts of excesses and that is why Rank has been sickly from childhood. Rank also says to Nora that his spine has had to endure for his father'southward youthful amusements. He says that his male parent did non leave a healthy life equally he was partial to asparagus and consumed heaps of port and champagne so he was an alcoholic. All his father'south musings end up affecting Dr. Rank himself who has non fifty-fifty had the pleasure of enjoying these things. Dr. Rank eventually says that he has done tests on himself and he is bound to dice shortly from his disease and tells Nora when the two black cards with crosses on acme are sent, they would signify his inevitable death. Rank's father chooses to alive a carefree life and his conclusion ends up hurting his son.

Torvald chooses to treat Nora as a child and not equally an equal partner in marriage and this leads to their breakup. When Krogstad sends out the letter detailing the bond, Nora had expected that he would take full blame for the bond and reject to exist blackmailed by Krogstad equally he had high moral values. Torvald instead agrees to Krogstad's terms, reprimands Nora like a child, denies his love for her and insults her for the forgery without even asking what the money was for. This proves that he is a hypocrite and coward to Nora. When Krogstad returns the bond, he says that he is prophylactic and ironically forgives Nora for her actions. Nora realizes that she has been living a lie ever since getting acquainted to Torvald for the past 8 or more years. Nora says that they take never saturday down to exchange as Torvald had forced his tastes and preferences on her. She says she has been a doll-wife but similar she was her papa's doll-kid. Theirs has been a marriage based on pretense and she needs to stand up alone to empathize herself. She asks to carve up from Torvald and the children with promise that if Torvald changes and then she volition come back. Torvald'southward decision to reprimand Nora on the discovery of the bail ends up beingness detrimental every bit his wife leaves him.

To sum up, individuals must be conscious of their choices because hurried decisions have consequences.

     Others: Dr. Rank's decision to confess his dearest to Nora that eventually makes Nora to lose the trust that she had in him.

12. Self cede must be rewarded. Write an essay to validate this claim basing your illustration on Nora in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House .

Nora, a paragon of selflessness, gives upwards her own desires and wishes in order to help her husband and her children and spare her dying male parent care and feet. She sacrifices her self-worth, material condolement and opinions for the sake of others. These donating acts eventually pay off.

Get-go, Nora sacrifices her self-worth and respect when she illicitly acquires two hundred and fifty pound loan from Krogstad in lodge to save her married man Torvald's life. According to the laws and customs at the time, a wife could not infringe without her married man'southward consent.  Nora's hubby Torvald was dreadfully ill and the doctors recommended a trip to Italy to assistance in his recovery. He had earlier quit his job, overworked himself and fallen sick. Nora tries to coax him to take the trip by asking him for a tour abroad like other young brides. She tries tears and entreaties and even suggests that he takes a loan. He remains adamant forcing Nora to take a loan in order to save his life. She forges her father's name in the procedure. She does it to spare him care and anxiety nearly her married man's life. She does it for love'south sake. Nora's troubles pay off since the trip saves Torvald'southward life. When they from Italy after a twelvemonth, he's healed audio every bit a bell. Nora sacrifices her respect but saves her husband'south life.

Nora endeavors to repay the loan secretly without her hubby's cognition with a view of sparing him pain and humiliation of knowing he owed her something. In the process she gives up her cloth comfort. Torvald is a vain human being who values manly independence. Knowing Nora took a loan for his sake would hurt him and upset their common relationship, and then Nora decides to repay it by herself. She works tirelessly doing needle work, embroidery and crotchet-work. This affair causes her a lot of worry since it is difficult to meet her engagement punctually. She tells Mrs. Linde nearly her quarterly interest and payment in installments which are difficult to manage. She sacrifices her textile comfort past buying the simplest and cheapest things in order to salve part of the housekeeping money and pay the loan. She too tirelessly worked tardily doing some copying piece of work to raise money. Withal, she nonetheless buys Torvald a good table and her children smart wearing apparel. Thus the coin helps to maintain a beautiful happy home for Torvald and her 3 children.

Autonomously from that, Nora sacrifices her own preferences, aspirations and opinions in club to please and avoid upsetting her father and her husband. At home, her begetter influenced her to have same opinion as his. If she differed with him she concealed the fact to him. She was a doll-child to be played with. Nora feels that Torvald is just like his father. He does everything according to his tastes and forces Nora to learn the same tastes. He considers her a childish play-object, a doll-child and their home is a playroom. He refers to Nora using playful pet names such as a little skylark and a trivial featherhead. He even forbids her from innocuous pleasure such every bit eating macaroons. He decides that she attends the fancy apparel ball as a Neapolitan fisher girl. Nora blames Torvald and her father for declining to brand annihilation out of her life. She gives upwards her own desires for the sake of her married man Torvald and her male parent, thus averting a strain in their cordial relationship.

Lastly Nora gives up her home and family in pursuit of self fulfillment and didactics. After persevering the suffocating environment of Torvald domicile for viii years, Nora decides to leave her children under her Nanny Anne'south care and go and seek fulfillment of her hopes and ambitions. Her union is rife with misunderstanding. As husband and wife they have never had a serious conversation. Nora has never been happy playing the role of a doll in a play room, nonetheless she is a reasonable human beingness. Nora says that her most sacred roles are duties to herself non her married man or children. She is no longer content with what nigh people say, what is found in books, the law or religion. Since Torvald could non make a cede for her sake, she says he'south not the human she idea he was. She leaves the children with Anne and says they are in amend hands than hers. In order to make some strides in life and attain personal objectives, we sometimes make hard decisions and sacrifices. Nora gives up her family with a view of achieving liberty and cocky-fulfillment.

In determination, cocky sacrifice pays off. When we are selfless we help our loved ones, avert alterations or strained relationships and create joy.


Source: http://wekati.blogspot.com/2019/08/

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